Saturday, August 25, 2012

Busy Week Ahead
I hope that everyone is having a great week! Joseph Martin has quite a few events coming up, so I wanted to post reminders about everything for you.
  • Cookie Dough Fundraiser: Money was due Friday, August 24. Thank you to those who turned in your envelopes. If you did not and have orders, they will be accepted Monday August 27.
  • Book Fair Week: Our school wide book fair begins Monday, August 27th. We will visit Monday for your child to make a wish list. If you would like your child to purchase anything, please send the money in a marked envelope and I will send him/her up during the day to get the items.
  • Back to School Night: Tuesday, August 28, you are invited to visit the school. Areas will be set up with more information about some of our programs, like the I CARE program and computer checkout. Please come and see what your students have been working on since the beginning of the year!
  • Scholastic Book Orders: I sent home Scholastic Order Forms last week. If you would like to order anything using those forms, the deadline is August 28th. I apologize for this being the same week ans the school book fair, so if you do not order, it is completely understandable. I will send these forms home monthly so you will have more opportunities later in the year.
  • Muffins with Mom: Friday, August 31, all mothers/grandmothers are invited to have breakfast with their students. This fun filled event begins at 7:20 and ends at 7:40. This is always a great event for the students to get to have their family eat with them. I hope to see you there!
  • AR/Library Visit: Our first visit to the library was this week and the students had a great time choosing their books to check out. We go to the library every Thursday, so that is when we will return the books. The AR program that I mentioned in a previous post has not begun yet so there are no goals set for your child nor are there any tests for them on the books. I will let you know when that changes!
  • Popcorn: Popcorn sales have begun! Every Friday your child may purchase popcorn for $.50 a bag. Please send money marked POPCORN so that I can know to add their name to the list.
On top of all of this, there is still learning occurring in the classroom :) Upcoming topics include the following:

  • Letter Hh
  • Sight Words I, like, it
  • Comparing Numbers using less than and equal to
  • All About Me
  • Labor Day Holiday
  • Living/NonLiving
I hope that everyone has a great weekend!! Feel free to contact me via email if you need anything.
Mrs. Trawick


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