Monday, January 21, 2013

Welcome Back!


I hope that everyone has had a great winter break. I know that I enjoyed having the time with my family to celebrate the holiday season. Now, though, it is back to work! My experience has been that this coming 9 weeks is the most focused, productive portion of the year. Students know the expectations and are at the point developmentally to truly use the skills that introduced so far. It is an exciting time to be in a Kindergarten classroom!

Just a reminder: Please make sure that your child is in school, on time, in proper uniform attire everyday. We are heading into our most rigorous 9 weeks of instruction, and it is important that your child be here as much as possible. If your child has to be absent, please send a note of excuse within 3 days. 5 unexcused absences or tardies, necessitate that a social worker referral be completed.

As always, thank you so much for all that you do to help your child be successful in school. I brag often about the quality of the parents and students with which I work this year. It is a pleasure to work with all of you!

Upcoming Events

January 10-Report Cards Go Home
January 11-AR Party
January 21- Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday
January 22-100th Day of School!
January 29-Art Show 6:30– 7:30 p.m.

What are We Learning This Month?
Letters E, Y, D, V
Sounds /e/, /y/, /d/, /v/
Sight Words no, see, play
Using describing words in sentences
Isolate and identify initial, medial and final sounds in words
Opinion Writing Focus
2d/3d shapes
Introduction to Addition/Subtraction
Night and Day Sky
Martin Luther King, JR
Celebrating Our Differences